Artwork is available directly through the artist—email or information.
Artwork can be shipped internationally.
Commissions are available around size, color palette or style.
Interested in a piece that has been sold? Pieces can be recreated as closest as possible to the size that works for you.
7-day Return Policy on artwork
*excluding shipping & handling and custom framing (return policy varies for 2nd party purchases)
Commissioned Piece 12 x 16
About Me
Larry Weiner is an award-winning art director and designer who has worked on numerous well-known brands such as: Starbucks, TAZO, Playboy, HP, Corbis, Microsoft, UW Medicine, Premera Blue Cross and The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist, among others.
Then he decided to stop doing that and start making art. Larry, tell us more.
In creating my paintings I employ a variety of techniques. It used to begin with a photo I’d shot out in the middle of nowhere - or the city. But when the pandemic hit - location shooting took a backset. So I set about learning 3D design so that I could build my own buildings instead of shooting them. This allowed me much more latitude with my subject matter. Of late, urban Tokyo buildings interest me - which led to creating a series of structures using Blender 3D. Once I have my building image, I print it, coat it with several layers of gel and create a translucent skin of the image. I then turn to a cradled wood board and begin painting and layering in texture and type and maps and whatever else suits me. Then I lay the gel skin over the painted wood canvas and add some finishing paint touches.
In some instances, I attach an open book to the wood and paint directly over it and apply an image.
Subject matter comes to me in waves. Tokyo urban architecture, old neon signs, factories, wide open spaces - whatever trips my wire. I gave up a long time ago trying to decipher why? and just let why not? take over.